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This was a little bit worse for wear

This was a little bit worse for wear

There were rust holes along both sides, across the bridge and at the rear

There were rust holes along both sides, across the bridge and at the rear

There were rust holes along both sides, across the bridge and at the rear

Sanding down through the layers showed the original paint was gold. Clearly replaced by a later mudguard at some point

Very pitted at the rear and again gold paint

The rusted out centre section was removed and new metal welded in

The rusted out centre section was removed and new metal welded in

Filled, primered and flatted

Filled, primered and flatted

Polychromatic blue, four coats

Four coats of Polychromatic blue and three of clear laquer

Centre rib gold line applied with pinstriping brush. 3mm lining tape placed where stripe will be then 6mm tape either side. Remove 3mm tape, paint and remove 6mm tape quickly to allow paint to flow.

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