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Stripping off the old paint

Stripping off the old paint

This is how paint stripper used to work before it became 'eco friendly'

Underside had some surface rust. There were still traces of the original Polychromatic blue finish but

Prepared ready for priming

Primed and a guide coat added ready for final sanding

Nacelle legs were in fair condition

This side was originally Amaranth red so probably a replacement from a Speed Twin

This side was originally Amaranth red so probably a replacement from a Speed Twin

Rust removal

Rust removal

This part of the shroud had been rubbing against the fork seal holer wearing it away.

The rusty area was cut out

And a new piece fitted

And welded in

Weld was ground down ready for finishing

Brake cable tube guide

Brake cable tube guide

This had been worn away

Brake cable tube guide

Brake cable tube guide

So a new piece of metal was welded in and filed back to shape

Filler applied

Filler applied

The factory seam on the inside of the shroud, which forms a moisture trap, was welded up as was the area where the shroud joins the nacelle. All ground back and filler applied

In primer ready for final sanding and top coat

All finished

All finished

All chrome bezels and headlamp rim were re-plated with DIY Replica Chrome. Speedometer was stripped and repaired following an article found on the Internet. Bars are new as are the rubber grommets. Had a bit of an accident with the transfer which needs replacing

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