First long run
Had my longest ride yet..50 miles... last week. Bike ran well and a plug check after a run on 3/4 throttle produced a nicely coloured plug. I thought initially it looked weak but info on the internet showed that with modern unleaded fuel the plugs do not show the light tan coloured they did with leaded. This is a good site that explains it SPARK PLUGS. Fuel consumption is about 55mpg.

There was quite a bit of high requency vibration as the revs climbed. I found that all the engine mounting bolts had loosened off slightly. They all have lock washers and were origionally tightened up with a socket to the 'ten grunt' level. I think the fact that the washers tightened onto painted metal meant that the paint gradually broke away loosening the tension on the bolts. Hopefully they will stay tight this time.
Seat felt a bit hard..I had used some dense foam.....and I felt I was a little too high up. So I have cut an inch of the dense foam away and replaced it with some softer stuff. Time will tell.